Small prototypes of the base cube and pieces were made.

Figure One: Base Cube
The cube was made without a top.  It is 5 centimeters by 5 centimeters. There are 100 protrusions per face, except on the final cube the bottom face and the top face will not have any. The walls are 1 centimeter thick.
Figure Two: Test pieces. Front View (left); Side View (right)
Two test pieces were made. They are 1 centimeter by 1 centimeter cubes. The groove is .6 centimeters wide and .6 centimeters deep.  The two pieces were made to compare the bottoms and figure out which was the best to use as the final piece.
Figure Three: Test bottom. Four Holes (left) and Center Circle (right) 
The two bottoms are the four holed bottom and the center circle bottom. In the four holed bottom, there are four holes that would fit over the protrusions on the faces of the cube. In the center circled bottom, the circle fits in the middle of four protrusions.  The piece that worked the best is the center circled one, thus the one that will be used in the design.

The edge pieces were printed, but in the millimeter scale, so they were really (adorably) small. They will be reprinted.

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